Call to Order
Mayor Frazier called the regular City Council meeting to order at 4:30 pm on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 in Council Chambers, City Hall.
Roll Call of Members
Clerk-Treasurer Harthun conducted a roll call verifying the presence of Council Members Steve Strand, Kevin Ballard, Curt Markgraf, Steve Foster and Mayor Brent E. Frazier.
Staff present: Administrator Lance Roisum, Clerk-Treasurer Danielle Harthun, Street and Parks Superintendent Brian Olson, City Engineer Bob Schlieman, Auditor Dean Birkeland
General Attendance: Gary Motz, Jedd Miller, Shad Hanson, Don Perrin, Shelley Gummeringer, Justin Fure and Kim Pederson from the Pelican Press
Welcoming Remarks
The Mayor welcomed all attendees to the city council meeting, both those in-person and those joining via Zoom. The meeting was noted to be available on the Pelican Rapids YouTube channel and channel 14 on Wednesday evenings.
Mayor Frazier announced upcoming events and meetings.
Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Citizen's Comments
The call for citizen comments was made twice, and hearing none, the council moved on to the next agenda item.
Additions / Deletions to Agenda
The agenda underwent changes, with three adjustments:
A motion was made to approve the agenda with these adjustments.
Motion to approve the agenda with two deletions and one addition was made by Strand. Seconded by Foster. Motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Consent Agenda
The consent agenda was presented, covering routine items such as October 29, 2024 council minutes, accounts payable listings, Intent to Certify to Taxes at 76000260031901 of $491.85 and 76000990479006 of $166.85 for unpaid utility bills, police report. The following licenses and registrations were also approved: Cigarette License 2025: For Larry’s Supermarket – Brittany Dokken, Southtown C Store – Jeanne Hovland, Park Region Co-op – Susan Bruggeman, Paul’s of Pelican – Luke Loerzel, Dollar General – DG Retail, Recreational Game License 2025: VFW Gilmore Weik Post 5252, Pelican Rapids Pool Hall – Robert Bowers, Business License 2025: Mobile Home Park – Z & Z Associates, Plumbers Registration 2025: Wrigley Mechanical – Blake Wrigley, Hanson’s Plumbing and Heating – Jason Schrupp, Pelican Plumbing – Marty Hanson, Ripplinger Plumbing – Stephen Erb, Outdoor Sales Lot 2025: Brad Sachs – Sachs Motors and Recreation.
Motion to approve the agenda with the additions and the deletion was made by Ballard and seconded by Strand. Friendship Festival - Justin Fure
Justin Fure, Pastor at Thrive Church and a member of the Multicultural Committee, provided an update on the Friendship Festival. This year will be its 20th anniversary in 2025; Justin shared the success of the previous festival, He requested reservation approval for Sherin Park Campground sites for the June 14, 2025 event.
Motion to reserve the park and campsites for the Friendship Festival on June 14, 2025, was made by Foster. Seconded by Ballard. Motion carried without opposition.
Raising Fire Department Retirement Benefits
Shad Hanson, Gary Motz, Jedd Miller from the Fire Department and Fire Relief Association, asked the council to approve increasing the retirement benefit from $3,600 to $4,000. The last raise was in February 2022.
Motion to approve the retirement increase from $3,600 to $4,000 was made by Foster. Seconded by Ballard. Motion carried unanimously.
Pinewood Estates Pay Request No. 2
Bob Schlieman updated Council on the status of Pinewood Estates Project. Landwehr made a payment request (No. 2) of $406,717.21.
Motion to approve the Pay Request No. 2 was made by Ballard. Seconded by Strand. Motion carried unanimously.
Hwy 59 Underpass Discussion - Bob Schlieman
Bob Schlieman presented information on a pedestrian underpass on Highway 59. Discussed was the feasibility and logistical possibility of such a project, expected costs, and potential interest of the School and MnDOT. The discussion veered towards the preliminary status of the idea, weighing pros and cons.
Motion not to pursue the underpass was made by Strand. Markgraf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
2023 Audit Review - Dean Birkeland
Dean Birkeland from CarlsonSV CPAs and Advisors presented the 2023 audit findings. Most of the city's funds received unmodified opinions, the best obtainable, with one minor qualification on the fire relief's actuarial evaluation. Discussion highlighted strong audit procedures and fiscal health.
Motion to accept the 2023 audit report was made Strand. Seconded by Foster. Motion carried unanimously.
Crosswalk Sign Discussion
Council voiced concerns about pedestrian safety within newly established crosswalks on the roundabouts. They questioned if there is additional signage that could improve safety. Since it is a State Highway, permits through state would be needed so the City will look into it.
Street and Parks Report - Brian Olson
Brian Olson gave an update on street project and it being the half way mark. Peteyville is being setup in the parks currently.
Motion to accept the street and parks report was made by Markgraf. Strand seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
MN National Sleigh Rides, December 6, 2024
Shelley Gummeringer requested permission to host their community sleigh rides through Sherin Park.
Motion to use the park for sleigh rides on December 6, 2024, was made by Ballard. Seconded by Strand. Motion carried unanimously.
Last Meeting in December Discussion
Council discussed the last meeting in December. In the past, Council has not had the last meeting, as it is close to the Holidays.
Motion to skip the last meeting in December was made by Foster. Seconded by Markgraf. Motion carried unanimously.
Cavass the Vote - Resolution No. 2024-17
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2024 ELECTION (Canvass Election) was made by Ballard, seconded by Strand. (A complete text of this resolution is part of permanent public record in the City Clerk’s office.) Motion passed and resolution declared duly adopted.
Civil Defense Alarm Discussion
Staff and Council discussed the necessity of using both grants to replace both emergency alarms. The clerk discussed where the possible funding of the additional alarm would come from.
Motion to proceed with replacing both civil defense alarms, utilizing surplus funds, was made by Ballard and seconded by Markgraf. Motion carried unanimously.
Library Report
The Library Report was provided in the packet for Council and approval of the new custodian was needed.
Motion to approve the library custodian hire of Olesia Zlochevska at $16.63 an hour was made by Foster. Seconded by Strand. Motion carried unanimously.
SEH Airport Agreement
The council reviewed new framework relations with SEH for the professional services at the airport. The State will pay the majority with the City paying about $6,500.
Motion to approve the SEH airport agreement was approved by Foster and seconded by Markgraf. Motion carried unanimously.
Administrator Report
Administrator Roisum reported that since the last city council meeting he has: worked with Clerk and Mayor to set council agenda and prepped for the city council meeting, attended the Hwy 59/108 construction meetings, completed the State of Minnesota special appropriation annual progress report, met with the local pickle ball group along with Tyler Ahlf from Pelican Valley and Brian Korf from Pelican Schools discussing possible locations for new pickle ball courts, met with Apex and property owners discussing the possible Hwy 59 pedestrian underpass, reviewed Library Director applications and worked on interview questions and scheduling of interviews, attended meetings with the Library Director Interview Committee and finalized the interview questions to ask and selected candidates to interview, attended a Library Board meeting, met with Mentor Group, started to work on employee performance evaluations, attended a meeting at the Library regarding Family Resource Centers in Otter Tail County, met with representatives of MN Board of Water and Soil Resources, West Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District, and the Department of Natural Resources to review the wetland delineation at Sherin Park.
Mayor Report
Mayor Frazier reported that since the last city council meeting he has; submitted weekly columns to the Pelican Press, visited with area businesses and non-profits, attended the Hwy 59/108 staff meetings at city hall on October 30 and November 6 attended the retirement party for Maplewood State Park Ranger Don DelGreco at DNR Headquarters in Fergus Falls on November 2, attended the November 7 Highway 59 Underpass Meeting at city hall and met on November 12 at city hall with Administrator Roisum to plan the agenda for this council meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 5:53 pm.
Motion to adjourn was made by Strand. Seconded by Markgraf. Meeting adjourned.
Danielle Harthun
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